Saturday, September 17, 2011

SEPTEMBER 16, 2011

On Thursday during Free Choice time, children completed a worksheet page asking them to discriminate between pictures that do or do not begin with the /B/ sound.  This page came home in your child's blue folder.  With teacher assistance, some children chose to sound out and spell some of the words correlating with the pictures.  This is called "inventive" or "phonetic" spelling.  Children write down the letters of the sounds they hear in the word.  Please don't correct your child's spelling.  Rather, congratulate them on the success they had in spelling the words the way he/she heard them. 
Caroline fills up her button board at the fine motor station.

 Seth and Theo worked with the "B" stamps at the writing station.

Sophie works on the braiding board.  A great fine-motor activity! 



 To review the /B/ sound, we did activities on the SmartBoard. 
In the following photos, children circled the words that begin with /B/ and underlined the B's and b's they noticed in the cheer.  The children are using special markers that can be used on the SmartBoard.


With a partner, children practiced "reading" the story of "Bubble Bear".

With a partner, children practiced making patterns.