Thursday, October 13, 2011


This week we introduced Halloween stories for children to do at the Writing Station during Free Choice time.  First, children illustrate the story and then work with a teacher to help write the words.  For some children, we are guiding them in sounding out the words for their Halloween story.  We call this inventive or phonetic spelling.  Once their story is completed, children put it in a special "Author Basket" and wait for an opportunity to share their story with the class.  After sharing it with the class, children will bring their book home in a special plastic folder to share at home with their family.  Children should then return their book to school to keep it in a special portfolio.  All children will complete a Halloween story.  Look for your child's story to come home in the next few weeks!
 Children working on their stories at the Writing Station.
 Anna sharing her Halloween story with the class.
 When finished sharing her story, the author chooses 2 friends to ask a question or share a comment about her story.

Children can practice putting numbers 1 through 20 in the correct order on the magnetic board.

 Children work to color in all 100 apples on their tree.

 Children can match number tiles on to the number board--numbers 1 through 100.
Playing school in the Dramatic Play Station.

This week we read a book about reptiles and had a discussion about the differences between mammals and reptiles.  We then played a game with pictures of various animals and categorized them into mammals and reptiles.

This week we learned that the American Alligator can grow up to 19 feet long--that's about the length of 5 Pre-K children put together.

Today we introduced "Writer's Workshop".  Children were asked to draw a picture of their choosing and were then assisted by a teacher in labeling their picture/drawing.  We will continue to do "Writer's Workshop" throughout the school year, building on our writing skills in an age and developmentally appropriate way.  

Senora Robeano provides us with an activity on the SmartBoard to review the color names in Spanish.

Today we celebrated Cooper's birthday!  We enjoyed hearing the story, My Car, read by Cooper and then the story, Danny And The Dinosaur, read by his Papa.  We then enjoyed eating Cooper's birthday snack...Timbits!  Happy Birthday, Cooper!