Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This past Monday we introduced some new activities to be completed during Work Stations.  Here they are...

FINE MOTOR STATION~Children have been asked to complete 3 cutting pages.

 ALPHABET STATION~Children are completing a rhyming task.
 WRITING STATION~Children are tracing 5 of our recent passwords.  As they trace the word, they say each letter out loud as they are tracing.
 PROJECT STATION~Children are working on the following math activities...

 PATTERNING~Children complete the patterns on each card using unifix cubes.

 TANGRAMS~Children use the shapes in the photo below to complete the puzzle cards in the following photos.  The cards start out simple and then become more complicated.  This is an example of a spatial reasoning activity.

 Children are required to match pictures that rhyme.
 Some children will match the rhymes using the words instead of the pictures.

 Children need to identify the beginning sounds of words in the activity in the photo below.
 Some children will identify the ending sounds of words using picture cards and letters such as in the example below.
DISCOVERY STATION~Children discriminate between pictures that are representative of Spring and those which do not represent Spring.

NURSERY RHYME~This week we will finish our study of Outer Space with learning more about the moon.  Today, we introduced a new nursery rhyme that includes the moon!